Image Usage Policy

At Kookdook, we source most of our images from Shutter Stock, but we also use a few pictures from various other websites such as Google, Pinterest, Flickr, Wikipedia, Pexels, Tumblr, and other social media platforms. However, we use these images only after confirming that they are copyright-free. Please be assured that all the photos and images you see on our website are the property of Kookdook. In cases where we use images from different sources, we always give appropriate credits.

Personal Use: You are welcome to access and use Kookdook and its images for your personal enjoyment. We’re happy that you’re here to explore our content.

We understand that you might have questions about how we use images on our website, Kookdook. We want to be transparent and clear about our image usage policies.


We grant you permission to access and use our website and the images for your personal use. However, it’s essential to understand that except for user submissions, all the content, graphics, and photos on Kookdook website belong to us. This content is provided to you on an AS-IS basis for your personal use only. You are not allowed to download, reproduce, copy, distribute, transmit, display, sell, or exploit this content for any other purposes without our prior written consent.

We highly value copyright regulations. If you believe that any image on our website infringes on your copyright, please reach out to us at or We will promptly remove the image in question. To assist us, please provide your address, email address, and telephone number.

We genuinely appreciate your suggestions and feedback, and we are always ready to respond to them.We hope this clarifies how you can enjoy Kookdook content while respecting our guidelines. If you have any questions or need specific permissions, please reach out to us. Thanks for being part of the Kookdook community!