Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon recently flew to New Delhi with her family to receive her National Film Award. Now, she’s back and busy promoting her upcoming movie, Ganapath. Kriti had previously enjoyed success with “Heropanti” and has teamed up with Tiger Shroff again for this action film, which is both written and directed by Vikas Bahl. The movie is set to be officially released on October 20, and the makers organized a special screening for it, attended by various prominent figures from the Bollywood industry.
At the screening, notable Bollywood celebrities such as Kajol, Jackie Shroff, Anil Kapoor, Rakul Preet Singh, and others were seen. Madhuri Dixit, along with her husband Dr. Shriram Nene, also attended the star-studded event. After enjoying the action-packed film, they shared pictures from the event with fellow celebrities.
In the pictures, you can see Madhuri Dixit and her husband with actor Sanjay Kapoor, his daughter Shanaya Kapoor, and the film’s star, Tiger Shroff. They also took pictures with Kriti Sanon and other big names like Anupam Kher, Jackie Shroff, and the legendary Asha Bhosle. The last photo features Hema Malini in a stunning black saree. Madhuri Dixit and Shriram Nene shared their best wishes for Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon for their movie “Ganapath.”
Tiger Shroff expressed his gratitude for their kind words and thanked them for attending the special screening. He said, “Thank you so much for coming. It was an honor to be in your presence and Dr. Nene’s.”
As for Kriti Sanon, “Ganapath” is her third movie this year, following “Shehzada” and “Adipurush.” She reportedly has three more movies in the pipeline, including “The Crew” and “Do Patti.”
Tiger Shroff, who was last seen in “Heropanti 2,” is set to appear in “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan” and “Singham Again” after “Ganapath.”