

Shahid Kapoor's High Protein Vegetarian Diet

Shahid Kapoor, renowned for his fitness in Bollywood, adheres to a high-protein vegetarian diet and maintains a disciplined six-day exercise routine. Here are insights into his dietary habits

As a vegetarian, Kapoor substitutes essential meat proteins with plant-based alternatives such as beans, pulses, and spinach. His diet also includes rice, dairy products, fresh fruits, and green leafy vegetables.

1. Protein Intake

=Kapoor follows a nutritionist-recommended practice of consuming five small meals throughout the day, avoiding untimely snacking.=

2. Meal Timings

Kapoor has expressed his fondness for the salads and sandwiches made by his wife, Mira.

3. Loves Food Cooked by wife

His preferred snack is a whey protein and stevia pancake, complemented by fresh, pure maple syrup.

4. Favourite Snack

Kapoor indulges in a patty made of cheese, rajma, and spicy soybeans as his favorite cheat meal.

5. Favourite Cheat Meal

To satisfy his sweet tooth, he enjoys a shake comprising dark chocolate, casein protein, and kiwi fruit.

6. Sweet Cravings

Kapoor steers clear of oily and fatty foods, keeping his salt intake minimal. His primary source of sugar is derived from the natural sugars present in the various fresh fruits he regularly includes in his diet.

7. Dietary Restrictions