Pregnancy, right? Exciting news! Whether it was easy or a real struggle, you’ve reached that dream destination. This time is super special but also seriously nerve-wracking, full of anticipation, anxiety, and probably a lot of discomfort. No matter if it’s your first rodeo or you’re a pro mom, one thing’s clear: you need support, in some shape or form.
After your partner, pregnancy apps are a big deal. They help moms-to-be keep up with all the things they’re supposed to do. Pregnancy isn’t just chilling out and kicking back (unless you’re lucky!). There are tons of doctor visits, keeping tabs on your health, watching the baby’s moves, and more. If you’re a mom-to-be thinking about using a pregnancy app, you’re not alone. Millions of women all over the world use these apps to make their pregnancy journey smoother and more organized.
But hold up! Not all pregnancy apps are the same. With a zillion apps out there, how do you pick the right one? That’s the big question!
What to Expect:

This app’s got it all for expecting moms: keeping track of the baby’s growth, sharing with others, and getting health updates whenever needed. It’s like having a supportive community right in your pocket.

If you’re pregnant, this app’s like a Swiss Army knife. It calculates your due date, helps you plan for birth, and more, all without costing a dime.

With this app, you can get up close to your baby with cool 3D models that show how they develop. Plus, there are other neat features too, and you can use some for free or go for the fancier ones with a payment.
Glow Nurture:

This app’s all about taking care of yourself during pregnancy. It helps you keep a log of your health, tracks your baby’s progress, offers pregnancy tips, and even supports you after giving birth.
The Bump:

Especially great for first-time moms, this app has lots to offer. It helps you keep track of your ovulation, shows you charts about fertility, guides you through each week of pregnancy, and lets you ask questions in real-time.
Pregnancy Tracker & Baby Development Countdown from BabyCenter:

Imagine a reliable friend that knows all about baby care. This app’s full of features and has been downloaded by millions. You can even use it to create a photo diary of your growing bump.
I’m Expecting:

This app helps you look after yourself while expecting. You can track your symptoms and how your baby’s growing. And guess what? It won’t cost you a thing.A
Ovia Pregnancy Tracker:

Staying healthy during pregnancy is a breeze with this app. It’s loaded with over 2000 articles about nutrition, weight, mood, sleep, and more. And it’s free to use!
Full Term:
From the moment you know you’re pregnant until the big day arrives, this app’s got your back. It has tools to time contractions, count your baby’s kicks, and keep an eye on your weight. Some parts are free, but you can make optional purchases too.

This app is like a personal journal for your pregnancy journey. You can track your baby’s development, add pictures, and even personalize it for other family members like dads and grandparents.
So, there you have it—a rundown of these amazing apps that offer a mix of information and features to support moms-to-be. Each app adds its own flavor to the journey of pregnancy, making it a bit more interesting and informative.