The movie “Ganapath: A Hero Is Born,” directed by popular filmmaker Vikas Bahl, has been generating a lot of excitement on social media. It stars Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sanon, and Amitabh Bachchan and was released on October 20th. People are now curious about how much money it will make at the box office. In a recent interview, the director praised Shah Rukh Khan’s big box office successes and said it would be unrealistic to expect the same level of success for “Ganapath.”
Vikas Bahl spoke about how Shah Rukh Khan has had huge hits this year and said it wouldn’t be wise to expect “Ganapath” to do as well. He acknowledged that you can never really predict how a film will perform at the box office. He also said it’s great to see the success of a superstar like Shah Rukh Khan, but comparing the two films is not fair. He expressed hope for surprises but warned against being too confident, as overconfidence can lead to failure.
Vikas Bahl also discussed working with Tiger Shroff. He mentioned that after narrating the film for an hour, Tiger accepted the role. Bahl explained that he always thought the character of Ganapath was meant for fun rather than action. When he met Tiger, he saw a similar innocence in him. Bahl even spoke to Tiger’s mother and told her that the actor had performed even better than expected and that only Tiger could fit the role.
The film was released on October 20, and Tiger Shroff was seen visiting Siddhivinayak temple in Mumbai on that special occasion. He was dressed in traditional attire and greeted his fans as he left the temple.
Vikas Bahl’s dystopian action thriller, featuring Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sanon, and Amitabh Bachchan, has been receiving positive reviews on social media.